Are There Any Companies That Pay You To Wear Their Clothes? Yes, For 7 Best Practical Reasons

Are there any companies that pay you to wear their clothes? Some brands may pay you to wear their clothes as a marketing strategy. However, there may be certain conditions attached to this offer. In this article, I will discuss this promotional strategy, its impact, and why certain brands pay individuals to wear their clothes.

companies that pay you to wear their clothes

3 Companies That Pay You to Wear Their Clothes

In the ever-growing world of sustainable fashion, some brands are taking things one step further by incentivizing customers to wear their clothes multiple times. Here are three companies that pay you to wear their clothes:

#1. Aday:

Aday, a fashion label dedicated to creating versatile, sustainable clothing, is rewarding its customers for their loyalty by paying them to wear their clothes. To kick off the New Year, Aday invited 600 customers to wear outfits they’ve already purchased from the brand.

Customers will receive between $25 and $75 in credit depending on how many times they wear the same outfit. This initiative aims to encourage customers to wear their clothes more often and reduce waste in the fashion industry.

#2. Wool&Prince:

Wool&Prince, a clothing brand that specializes in high-quality, low-maintenance clothes, challenges its customers to wear the same dress or button-down shirt for 100 days straight. If they succeed, they’ll receive a $100 gift card.

This challenge not only encourages customers to embrace a more minimalistic approach to fashion but also proves the durability and longevity of their garments.

#3. L’Estrange London:

Menswear brand L’Estrange London believes in the philosophy of less is more. To encourage customers to buy less and wear more, they launched a challenge where customers had to repeatedly wear the seven items in its core collection for the chance to win back the cost of all the garments.

This initiative highlights the versatility of their clothes and shows how versatile a capsule wardrobe can be.

Why Do Companies Pay You to Wear Their Clothes?

There are several reasons why companies pay individuals to wear their clothes. Here are some of the reasons:

#1. Advertising

Companies need to advertise their brand and products to increase their visibility and attract more customers. By paying individuals to wear their clothes, they can reach a wider audience and promote their brand in a more personal and relatable way. When people see individuals wearing their clothes, they are more likely to trust and remember the brand.

#2. Influencer Marketing

Influencer marketing is a powerful tool that companies use to increase their online presence and reach. Social media platforms have become a key marketing tool for companies, and they often collaborate with influencers on these platforms to promote their products. These influencers are paid to wear the company’s clothes and post pictures of them on their social media accounts. This way, companies can reach a larger audience and increase their online sales.

#3. Brand Promotion

Brand promotion is a key aspect of marketing. Companies can boost their brand awareness and promote their products by paying individuals to wear their clothes. This could result in higher sales and customer loyalty, as individuals tend to trust and make purchases from familiar and relatable brands. Therefore, if you work as a model or brand ambassador for these brands, you would be participating in this process.

#4. Test Marketing

Companies also pay individuals to wear their clothes for test marketing purposes. This way, they can get feedback and opinions from people who have tried their products. This information is valuable as it can help companies improve their products and cater to their customers’ needs.

#5. Employee Uniforms

Some companies pay their employees to wear their clothes as part of their uniforms. This promotes the brand and creates a sense of unity and professionalism among employees. It can also help customers identify employees and create a more cohesive and recognizable brand image.

#6. Sponsorship Events:

Companies also sponsor events in order to promote their products. For example, a company may pay athletes to wear their clothes during competitions or pay celebrities to attend certain events wearing their clothing. This creates a sense of brand recognition and increases the chances of people buying the product. This type of marketing can help companies reach a larger audience and build customer loyalty.

#7. Social & Environmental Awareness:

By sponsoring eco-friendly events or donating their clothes to charitable organizations, companies can help build a positive brand image. People tend to support socially and environmentally conscious brands, so this type of marketing is beneficial for both the company and society. It helps promote a healthy lifestyle as well as environmental responsibility.

Sometimes sustainable clothing brands promote the repeated use of clothes instead of selling more. They may offer loyalty discounts and incentives to customers who participate in these initiatives. These strategies can create an effective marketing plan that benefits both the company and its customers.

FAQs on Companies That Pay You to Wear Their Clothes

Can I get paid for wearing clothes?

While it may not be common to get paid solely for wearing clothes, there are opportunities for fashion enthusiasts and models to earn some extra cash or receive free clothing by promoting fashion brands and retailers.

One such way is through influencer marketing, where fashion bloggers and social media influencers are paid to promote certain brands and their clothing. By wearing and showcasing the brand’s products on their social media platforms and blogs, they are able to drive traffic and sales to the brand and, in return, receive payment or free clothing.

Another way to earn money by wearing clothes is through brand ambassador programs. Fashion retailers often run these programs and hire individuals to represent their brand and wear their clothing in public or photo shoots. Brand ambassadors may also be required to attend events and promote the brand to their network. In exchange, they may receive payment or free clothing.

For models, getting paid to wear clothes is part of their job. Fashion brands and designers hire them to showcase their clothing in photo shoots, runway shows, and advertisements. Models may also be hired for fittings and to provide feedback on the fit and comfort of the clothing.

How do you get sponsored by a clothing company?

Getting sponsored by a clothing company is not easy, but it is possible with the right approach and mindset. The first step to getting sponsored by a clothing company is to create a strong social media presence. This involves creating quality content that showcases your unique style and personality and engaging with your followers consistently.

Once you have built a solid following on your social media platforms, you can start reaching out to clothing companies that align with your brand. Do your research on the company beforehand to make sure that its values and aesthetics match your own.

Send them a professional email or direct message expressing your interest in collaborating with them, but be sure to personalize the message and show genuine enthusiasm for their brand.

In addition to liaising with clothing companies directly, you can also participate in sponsored events such as fashion shows or photo shoots. These events are great opportunities to network with industry professionals and make connections that could lead to sponsorship opportunities in the future.

Another useful tactic to get noticed by clothing companies is to attend trade shows and industry events. This allows you to connect with representatives from various brands and showcase your style and fashion sense. Distributing your portfolio or other promotional materials during such events can help leave a lasting impression on clothing companies.

Finally,maintain a positive and professional image online and offline. Be authentic, professional, and respectful in all of your interactions with clothing companies. 

Stay active on social media, post quality content regularly, and engage with your followers and other industry professionals. This can help you build your brand, increase your visibility, and attract the attention of interested clothing companies.

How do influencers get free clothes?

One of the perks of being an influencer is receiving free clothes from brands. Brands use this common strategy to increase their exposure and reach a wider audience. So, how do influencers get free clothes? Here’s a detailed and organized explanation:

#1. Building a strong reputation:

Influencers who have built a strong reputation and have a large following on social media platforms are more likely to receive free clothes. Brands look for influencers who can create a buzz around their products and have a loyal fan base. Hence, building a strong reputation and establishing oneself as an influential figure in a particular niche is the first step towards getting free clothes.

#2. Creating high-quality content:

Another important factor that determines whether an influencer gets free clothes is the quality of content they create. Brands expect influencers to produce high-quality content that showcases their products in the best possible light. Influencers who create aesthetically pleasing and visually appealing content are more likely to get free clothes.

#3. Collaborating with brands:

Influencers can also get free clothes by collaborating with brands. Brands often reach out to influencers and offer them collaborations to promote their products. In return, influencers receive free clothes and other perks, such as monetary compensation and exposure to a wider audience.

#4. Participating in gifting programs:

Another way in which influencers can receive free clothes is by participating in gifting programs. Gifting programs are a common strategy used by brands to send free products to influencers in exchange for a review or a shoutout on their social media platforms. Influencers can sign up for such programs and receive free clothes from brands.

#5. Establishing strong relationships with brands:

Influencers who have established strong brand relationships are more likely to receive free clothes. Brands are more likely to send free clothes to influencers they have worked with before and have a strong rapport with. Hence, influencers need to maintain a good relationship with brands they have collaborated with in the past.

For more details check out the below video content on how influencers get free clothes.

How to get paid to wear clothes on Instagram?

In today’s digital age, social media platforms like Instagram have become a powerful channel for advertising and promoting products. Influencers on Instagram have the ability to leverage their follower base to generate traction for brands and businesses. A popular niche on Instagram is fashion, and there are plenty of opportunities for content creators to get paid to wear clothes.

Here are some steps you could follow to start getting paid to wear clothes on Instagram:

#1. Grow Your Follower Base:

You’ll need a substantial following to attract brands and get paid to wear clothes on Instagram. Work on growing your Instagram account in your niche. Collaborate with other influencers or share your content on other platforms to gain visibility and build your follower base.

#2. Find Your Niche:

With so much competition in the fashion industry on Instagram, finding your niche is important. Determine what type of fashion you’re interested in showcasing and specialize in that. This will make you stand out to brands and give them a clear picture of what to expect from your content.

#3. Engage with Brands:

Start engaging with brands in your niche on Instagram. Share and tag their content, leave comments, and build a relationship with them. Once a relationship is established, contact them with a professional pitch showcasing your work and audience stats.

#4. Collaborate with Brands for Sponsored Content:

Once you establish a relationship with the brands, pitch them for sponsored content opportunities. Typically, the brand will provide clothing for you to wear and a brief on how they want it to be showcased in your content. You’ll then create Instagram posts and stories showcasing the clothes in various ways over a specific time frame.

#5. Negotiate Payment:

As an influencer, you should get paid for your sponsored content. Negotiate with the brand on the payment and agree on fair compensation for the work you’ll be doing. Make sure to define the scope of work and agree on payment terms, which could include cash or product exchange.

#6. Showcase Your Content:

Once you’ve received payment, create high-quality content showcasing the clothes in various styles and tag and mention the brand in your post. Share your content on your stories and other platforms on which you have a presence to generate more eyes on the brand’s clothing.


Clothing marketing is a powerful tool in the fashion industry. Companies can use many different strategies to promote their clothing, such as offering employee uniforms, sustainable fashion, sponsoring events, and increasing social and environmental awareness.

These strategies help build customer loyalty and increase brand recognition while helping promote a healthy lifestyle and sustainable practices. In this way, clothing marketing benefits the companies and the people who wear and use the products.

Tamim Shikder
Tamim Shikder

Head of the editorial team of I have been working as a merchandiser in the apparel-sourcing industry for the last seven years. Over the years, I have gained a strong understanding of the clothing business and have developed skills in product development, quality control, pricing negotiation and customer service. I am also well versed in the latest trends of fashion and retail industry. For any clothing manufacturing needs, please email me at

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