How Much Inventory Should I Start With Online Boutique In 2024: Best Tips You Ever Get!

I found people asking on forums and other business communities, “How much inventory should I start with online boutique?” Well, it depends on a number of factors, including what type of items you sell, how much capital you have available for inventory, and your marketing strategy. For example, for children boutique, you can start with a relatively small inventory of items that appeal to children. This will help you minimize risks and test the market before investing in larger quantities of product.

However, I suggest starting off by focusing on one color per style and a single pack for each design. Rather than diving deep into just one class, let’s concentrate more on breadth – like introducing at least two categories with 14-15 styles.

In the upcoming 2024, starting an online boutique can be a great way to make money while pursuing your passion. But if you don’t plan properly, it can also be a costly endeavor. You must have a proper inventory management system.

Knowing how much inventory to buy upfront is essential for any successful online store. I know this is not enough. You also need to identify the demand and supply of your products and track down the market trends. But don’t worry. In this blog post, I’ll be sharing all my tips and tricks that can help you decide on the right amount of starting inventory for your online boutique. So read on to find out more.

How Much Inventory Should I Start with Online Boutique

How Much Inventory Should I Start with Online Boutique in 2023?

With a meager investment of only around $500-$1000 in inventory, you can launch your very own online boutique in 2023 and begin making profits today. But have to take each step in a calculative manner.

To keep your customers satisfied and maintain profitability, ensure that out-of-stock items are kept to a minimum of no more than 10%. Also, never let them run out of their favorite products; do whatever you can to ensure they always have access.

The general rule of thumb is to start with a smaller amount and slowly build up as needed. This will allow you to gauge customer demand and avoid the costly mistake of overstocking.

For example, you can start with a few best-selling items in each product category and gradually add more. As you get to know your customer base better, start expanding the product selection by adding new items or increasing the number of existing ones.

“How many items should I start with on my online boutique?” In this regard, you may choose any 2-3 categories from- tops, dresses, t-shirts, shirts, plus size clothing, Swimwear, and accessories as your first set of products, and start with around 50-100 pieces in each category. If the demand is high enough for all those items, you can increase your stock to 300-500 pieces per product type. And ensure all the sizes are available.

Remember, inventory levels vary based on seasonality or any other trends that may affect your business. For example, if you sell Christmas decorations, stocking up in November when people start shopping for the season would be wise. With this in mind, adjust your inventory accordingly, depending on current trends and customer demand. Also, if you are thinking about decorating for yard sale events, make sure to double your items and keep sufficient inventory.

Start with a manageable inventory and slowly build-up over time as needed. This will allow you to better gauge customer demand and avoid the costly mistakes of overstocking or understocking. Remember to track all changes in the market and adjust inventory accordingly to ensure that customers have access to the products they need when they need them.

Moreover, I suggest investing in inventory management software or tools to help you stay organized and keep track of your stock. This will make it easier for you to monitor sales, analyze data, calculate the reorder points, and more.

Overall, always focus on inventory optimization. It is the process of ensuring that you always have the right products in stock, at the right time, and in the right quantities. Optimizing your inventory can reduce the chances of overstocking, understocking, or stockouts.

Some Additional Tips on How Much Inventory Should I Start with Online Boutique: Best Tips

Here are some additional tips on inventory management to keep in mind when stocking up on inventory:

#1. Invest in quality products:

Always invest in quality products that will last longer and help you build a good reputation. Quality is the foundation of a successful online business, so make sure you buy only those items worth selling to your customers.

Here is a guideline video on online boutique inventory. It will help to understand how to invest on quality products.

#2. Consider discounts and promotions:

Discounts and promotions can be great ways to move slow-moving inventory and attract more customers. Try different discounting strategies like buy one get one free or bundle discounts to maximize revenue.

#3. Check the competition:

Stay up-to-date with what your competitors are doing. Monitor their inventory levels, product selection, and pricing strategies so you can adjust yours accordingly and stay ahead of the game.

#4. Rely on customer feedback:

Gather customer feedback and use it to help you make better decisions about what products to stock, how much inventory to hold, and when to replenish. The more you know about your customers’ needs, the better you can cater to them.

FAQs on How Much Inventory Should I Start With Online Boutique

How to get inventory for online boutique?

Setting up an online boutique can be rewarding and profitable for a startup. One of the first steps to starting any boutique is to get inventory. Having a wide variety of quality merchandise is key to attracting customers and increasing sales.

There are several ways you can source inventory for an online boutique. You can reach out to wholesalers and manufacturers, attend trade shows and local markets, or search online marketplaces like Alibaba or Global Sources.

Another option would be to drop ship, which doesn’t require upfront inventory costs – you simply partner with suppliers who’ll process orders on your behalf when they’re placed at your store.

No matter which route you go, the important thing is to make sure the products you offer are high-quality, competitively priced, and in line with what’s trending in the fashion industry. With a little bit of research and dedication, sourcing great inventory for your online boutique won’t be difficult – it may even prove enjoyable!

How much money do you need to open a small boutique?

Opening a small boutique requires a certain amount of capital. Depending on the size of your boutique the start up cost will vary. You must consider the cost of rent, insurance, permits, furniture and decorations, advertising, wages, taxes, and other miscellaneous costs.

Depending on the merchandise you are selling, the size of your boutique, and where it is located, prices can range anywhere from $1000 to upwards of $10,000 just for startup costs.

Additionally, an ongoing budget for restocking inventory and other administrative costs must also be taken into account.

How much inventory should I start with Amazon?

If you’re starting a business on Amazon, plan your inventory strategically. According to experts, a good starting point is to have 300 to 500 units in stock. This should be sufficient to meet customer demand while also ensuring that you don’t spend too much of your budget on inventory right away.

[Note: If you want start your online boutique in any other online market place like Etsy, Alibaba, the amount of required inventory is still same as Amazon.]

This allows you to access data from Amazon as soon as possible to help inform you how you should adjust your inventory over time. Once your products start selling and you can accurately gauge customer demand, then you can begin slowly increasing your inventory accordingly.

Starting with smaller units up front also gives you the flexibility to experiment with different prices or promotions and test what works best for your brand.

How many pieces should you start with for a boutique?

How much inventory do you need to start a boutique? Experts recommend beginning with around 15-20 items or styles since this amount offers customers enough choices without being overwhelming. This can include both clothing and other items like jewelry or handbags.

Taking stock of your budget for inventory remains paramount as you curate pieces for your boutique. Assessing what kind of customer experience you want to present and also doing careful research on trends in the industry are essential steps before investing in your initial pieces.

The right combination will help you start setting yourself up for success when launching your boutique.

How much inventory should I start with for my clothing brand?

When starting a clothing brand, have the right amount of inventory ready for sale. Experts suggest beginning with one case pack per style that you offer. This helps ensure that there is sufficient inventory in order to keep up with consumer demand both online and off.

Having too much inventory can mean slowed cash flow for your business, so use caution when determining the number of items to purchase in each pre-pack.

It is also helpful to manage your stock levels by establishing forecasting models that will help you make informed decisions regarding how much additional inventory is needed.

How many of each size should I order for a boutique?

When it comes to deciding on size stocking for a boutique, experts recommend ordering three or four items in each size. This is an ideal starting point when it comes to predicting customer needs.

As a more detailed approach, 15% of stocks should be small sizes, 30% medium, 30% large, 15% extra-large, and 10% extra-extra-large. This mix will likely guarantee a good shopping experience for most customers visiting your boutique.

How much inventory should I have for a pop-up clothing shop?

In general, for a small to medium-sized clothing pop-up shop, you might consider starting with a range of 200 to 500 clothing items. This range allows for variety in styles and sizes while keeping your inventory manageable. 

However, the exact amount of inventory you should have for a pop-up clothing shop, can vary depending on factors like location, target audience, and the duration of the pop-up. It’s also crucial to conduct thorough market research, assess local demand, and monitor sales closely during the pop-up to adjust your inventory as needed for optimal results.


Managing inventory is a critical part of running a successful online business. By following the tips outlined above, you can ensure that your store always has the right amount of stock on hand and keeps customers satisfied.

Remember to track customer demand, adjust inventory accordingly, and use inventory management tools or software to stay organized. With proper planning and execution, you can ensure your store remains well-stocked, and customers can access the necessary products.

Tamim Shikder
Tamim Shikder

Head of the editorial team of I have been working as a merchandiser in the apparel-sourcing industry for the last seven years. Over the years, I have gained a strong understanding of the clothing business and have developed skills in product development, quality control, pricing negotiation and customer service. I am also well versed in the latest trends of fashion and retail industry. For any clothing manufacturing needs, please email me at

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