How To Trademark A Name For A Clothing Line In 7 Easy Steps

The trademark is an important asset when starting a clothing line. It not only helps protect your brand name but also provides recognition and increases the value of your brand in the market. Now, if you don’t know how to trademark a name for a clothing line, this blog is for you.

Trademarking your clothing brand’s name is a process that takes careful consideration and planning. And in this blog, I will share with you 7 easy steps to help you through the process of trademarking a name for your clothing line.

how to trademark a name for a clothing line

What Is a Trademark for Clothes?

A trademark for clothes can be defined as a distinctive symbol, design or name that identifies and distinguishes a particular brand of clothing. It is a legally registered symbol or name representing the origin and quality of products a particular brand offers. 

Trademarks are crucial for providing legal protection to clothing brands against intellectual property violations and counterfeiting. In essence, they grant a brand priority over a particular name, symbol, or design, preventing any other brand from using or imitating a similar trademark. 

Fashion designers can obtain trademark registration for various elements of their clothing line, such as the logo, the brand name, or even specific patterns or designs. A trademark can be registered with the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO). The registration process involves filing an application, paying a fee and completing formalities as designated by the trademark registration authorities. 

Having a trademark for clothes makes it easier for a designer’s brand to be recognized and remembered by customers, leading to increased sales, loyal customers and repeat business. A trademark also provides a competitive advantage as it protects a designer’s brand from copying, allowing the designer to build a unique fashion identity and stand out in an ever-increasing overcrowded market. 

How to Trademark a Name For a Clothing Line in 7 Easy Steps

As a fashion entrepreneur, trademarking your brand name is crucial to establishing and protecting your identity in the market. In this article, we have laid out seven easy steps that will guide you through the process of trademarking a name for your clothing line.

#1: Conduct a Trademark Search:

Before filing for trademark registration, you must search the US Patent and Trademark Office’s (USPTO) database to ensure that no one else has already trademarked your desired name. A trademark search helps you avoid costly legal battles and ensures that you do not infringe on someone else’s rights.

#2: Choose a Strong and Unique Name:

To avoid conflicts, you must choose a distinctive name that is not too similar to other trademarks in your industry. A strong and unique name will help you build brand recognition and value.

#3: Decide What to Trademark

You can trademark your brand name, logo, slogan, or a combination of these. Consider what makes your brand stand out and what your customers are most likely to remember. You can start the application process once you have identified what you want to trademark.

#4: File for Trademark Registration

To register a clothing brand name, you can use the USPTO’s online application, which is known as the Trademark Electronic Application System (TEAS). You will need to provide details such as your name and contact information, a clear description of your goods or services, and a specimen of your trademark. Also, be sure to accurately determine the goods and services in which you are seeking protection, as this might influence the approval of your application.

#5: Wait for the Examination

After filing your application, the USPTO will examine it to ensure it meets all the requirements. This process may take several months. You will receive a notification from the USPTO when your application has been assigned to an examining attorney.

#6: Respond to any Office Actions

If the examining attorney has any objections or concerns about your application, they will send you an office action letter. You will have six months to respond and address any issues. If you fail to respond within the given timeframe, your application may be abandoned.

#7: Receive Your Trademark Registration Certificate

If your trademark application is approved, you will receive a trademark registration certificate in the mail, indicating that your brand name, logo, or slogan is now a registered trademark that is protected by federal law.

How to Choose a Unique Brand Name for a Clothing Line?

Choosing a unique and memorable brand name is crucial for the success of any clothing line. A good brand name can set your clothing line apart from the competition and help you establish a strong brand identity. 

To begin with, conduct thorough research on existing brand names in the clothing industry. This will help you avoid using names already trademarked or used by another manufacturer. You can conduct a basic search online to identify brands that are using similar names for their clothing lines. This will give you an idea of what kinds of names are already in use and help you brainstorm unique and distinctive options.

Once you have narrowed down your choices, make sure your name is not already trademarked. A unique brand name should also be easy to pronounce, spell, and remember. It should reflect the values and personality of your clothing line and create a lasting impression on your target audience.

Also, ensure that the name you choose is not associated with any negative connotations or has any negative meanings in other languages. This can be a potential risk to the success of your brand.

Wordplay is one of the most effective ways to choose a unique brand name. Wordplay combines multiple words or phrases to create a new and catchy name. This can be a great way to create a brand name that is both unique and memorable.

Another way to choose a unique brand name is by using personal or meaningful names. This could be inspired by a place, person, or culture that resonates with your brand values. For example, Patagonia is a popular clothing line that takes its name from the Patagonia region in South America.

To know more check out the below video on how to name your clothing brand.

Why Trademark Is Necessary for a Clothing Line?

A trademark is crucial for a clothing line because it serves as a way to create a distinct identity for the brand and prevent others from using the same intellectual property. A trademark usually takes the form of a logo, design, or word that is exclusive to the brand or product and sets it apart from similar offerings by competitors. Here are some of the key reasons why a trademark is necessary for a clothing line.

#1. Brand Identity

A trademark provides a distinctive identity for a clothing line and helps to differentiate it from other competitors in the market. This is especially crucial for new clothing brands that seek to establish themselves in the market or for clothing lines that rebrand themselves. The trademark provides a memorable and unique identity that consumers can easily recognize in the fashion industry.

#2. Legal Protection

A trademark protects a clothing line’s identity and intellectual property. A trademark owner can legally prevent others from using similar or identical names, logos, or designs that could confuse consumers or damage the brand’s reputation. Trademark registration also provides the clothing line with legal evidence and support in case of infringements or legal battles.

#3. Business Value

A trademark can add value to the clothing line as it establishes its identity in the market, allowing the brand to expand and grow. A trademark can also create a strong emotional connection with consumers, leading to brand loyalty, trust, and increased sales. 

Trademark ownership can also be an attractive asset for investors and potential buyers, as it represents the clothing line’s unique identity and intellectual property.

#4. International Protection

Trademark registration provides legal protection and exclusivity in the clothing line’s country of registration, but it also can protect the brand internationally. The trademark owner can file for international registration through the World Intellectual Property Organization to gain trademark protection in other countries, minimizing the risk of infringing or infringing on global markets.

How Much Does it Cost to Trademark a Clothing Brand?

The cost to trademark a clothing brand can vary based on a variety of factors, such as the number of classes of goods and services that need to be registered, the level of complexity involved in the application process, and the legal fees associated with the trademark application.

In the United States, the basic cost to register a trademark with the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) is $350 per class of goods or services. If a clothing brand offers a range of products such as shirts, pants, footwear, and accessories, they may need to register under multiple classes to ensure full protection of their trademark.

The cost of registering a clothing brand trademark can also increase depending on the level of complexity involved in the application process.

For example, the trademark registration process can take longer and require additional legal assistance if the brand name is similar to an existing registered trademark or if there are objections from the USPTO Examiner regarding the applicant’s identification of products or services.

In addition to the basic filing fees, legal fees may be associated with the trademark application. If a clothing brand decides to hire an attorney to assist with the application process, this could add additional costs to the overall trademark registration fee.

FAQs on How to Trademark a Name for a Clothing Line

How do you trademark a shirt?

Trademarking a shirt involves taking legal steps to protect the design or branding of the shirt from being copied or misused by others for commercial gain. This process involves filing a trademark registration application with the secretary of state in each state where the shirt is sold.

To get started, visit the website of the secretary of state of each state where your shirts are sold. These websites have a business services section where you can find the trademark registration application. Download the application form and fill it out with all the required information, including the name of the mark, a description of the goods or services the mark is intended to identify, and the date the mark was first used in commerce.

Additionally, provide samples of the mark on the t-shirt, such as a photograph of the shirt or a physical sample of the shirt itself. This is important for the trademark office to verify that the mark is unique and distinctive. It’s also important to provide samples of the mark in different colours, sizes, and positions on the shirt, as this will demonstrate the versatility of the mark.

Once you have completed the application and assembled all necessary materials, file the form with the appropriate fee. This fee varies by state and can range anywhere from a few hundred to a few thousand dollars. After submitting the application and fee, the secretary of state will review your application to ensure that it meets all legal requirements for trademark registration.

If everything is in order, your trademark will be registered, and you will receive a registration certificate. This certificate will serve as proof of your ownership of the trademark and protection against infringement.

 The trademark registration process can take several months, so it’s recommended that you begin the process as soon as possible to protect your designs and branding.

What is the difference between copyright and trademark?

Copyright and trademark are two distinct forms of legal protection that are often confused. The main difference is that copyright protects original works of authorship, such as books, music, movies, and art, while trademarks protect identifying marks that distinguish one company’s goods or services from another’s. 

Copyrights grant the owner the exclusive right to reproduce, distribute, perform, display, and create derivative works based on the original works. Copyrights are automatic and arise as soon as an original work is created and fixed in a tangible form. However, the owner must register the work with the Copyright Office to enforce copyright protection. 

Trademarks, on the other hand, are words, phrases, symbols, or designs that identify the source of goods or services and distinguish them from those of others. Trademarks can be registered with the US Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) and are renewable as long as they are in use. 

In essence, copyrights protect creators’ works from being copied without permission or compensation, while trademarks protect a company’s brand identity and prevent others from using similar marks to confuse consumers. 

Copyright protection lasts for the author’s lifetime plus a certain number of years after their death, while trademark protection can last indefinitely as long as the owner continues to use the mark in commerce. 

What are examples of trademarks in fashion?

The fashion industry is synonymous with branding; trademarks are vital in creating brand identity. When we think of trademarks in fashion, they can range from company names, logos, phrases, and even colours and designs associated with a particular brand. Let’s delve further into some examples of trademarks in fashion.

One of the most iconic trademarks in fashion history is the distinctive Burberry tartan, which features a camel, black, white, and red check pattern. Dating back to the 1920s, this trademark has become synonymous with traditional British fashion and has helped the brand stand out among its competitors.

Another notable example is the registration of the red sole of shoes as a trademark by luxury brand Christian Louboutin. This trademark has become instantly recognizable and has helped the brand become a symbol of high fashion and luxury.

In addition to colour and pattern, fashion brands trademarked their company and clothing line names. For instance, the popular clothing brand Old Navy has trademarked its name and its sub-brands, such as Active and Maternity lines.

Similarly, Levi’s has registered their famous 501 jeans as a trademark, which includes the garment’s design, shape, and look, allowing them to protect their core product from imitators.

Designer names themselves can also be a trademark in the fashion industry. Designer brands such as Chanel and Louis Vuitton have built an empire around their designers’ names. These brand names have become synonymous with luxury, and their designers’ names, such as Karl Lagerfeld and Marc Jacobs, hold similar value despite their high turnover rates.

Finally, fashion brands trademark catchy phrases or slogans associated with their products, such as Nike’s “Just Do It” or Calvin Klein’s “Obsession.” These brands have built their reputation around their campaigns, and these slogans have become a part of their identity.


Now you have a compact knowledge of how to trademark a clothing brand name, including its importance. Registering a trademark for your clothing line can be important in protecting its identity and intellectual property from competitors. By gaining exclusive legal rights to the mark, you can prevent others from copying or using it without your permission.

With trademark registration, you can establish the brand’s unique identity and create value that will help the business grow and expand internationally.

Tamim Shikder
Tamim Shikder

Head of the editorial team of I have been working as a merchandiser in the apparel-sourcing industry for the last seven years. Over the years, I have gained a strong understanding of the clothing business and have developed skills in product development, quality control, pricing negotiation and customer service. I am also well versed in the latest trends of fashion and retail industry. For any clothing manufacturing needs, please email me at

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